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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2014 (36) arrow Legal framework for control over narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in medical organizations
Legal framework for control over narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in medical organizations Print
Tuesday, 27 May 2014

A.Yu. Abramov
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

Abstract. Taking into account the current situation in the Russian Federation the prime importance is given to strict compliance with laws, administrative, operational and technological requirements regulating production, storage, transportation and medical use of narcotic medications and drugs to prevent their illicit use.

In Russia there is a state monopoly for all types of activities related to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (cultivation, manufacture, processing, distribution, import (export), elimination of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances).

Procedures for those types of activities depend upon category of a certain narcotic drug or psychotropic substance.

Activity related to control over narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and List #1 Precusors is subject to licensing and is conducted in accordance with the international treaties of the Russian Federation and legislation of the Russian Federation.

One of the essential components of activity related to licit use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in medical organizations is assurance of their safekeeping and limited access to unauthorized persons to rooms where such drugs are stored.

Organization of licit use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in medical organizations requires due attention of both managers and staff who have access to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances according to their scope of work.

One of the main components of this activity is reporting as a form to control and register all actions related to licit use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

Keywords. narcotic drugs; psychotropic substances; licit use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; categories of rooms; protection rating; reporting on activities related to licit use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; registration log.



  1. On drugs and psychotropic substances: the Federal Law of 1998, January 08 ¹ 3-FZ (ed. 2013 Nov 25) (with rev. and add. coming into force from 2013 Dec 05). Collection of Laws of the RF, 12.01.1998; ¹2, art. 219. (In Russia).
  2. On distribution of drugs and psychotropic substances: the Letter of MoH&SD of the RF of 2009, December 24, ¹25-1/10/2-10533. [Internet] [cited 2014 Apr 25]. Available from: http://www.bestpravo.ru/rossijskoje/hm-postanovlenija/n3b.htm (In Russia). (In Russia).
  3. On the procedure of distribution, dispensing and realization of drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as dispensing and realization of their precursors: the Regulation of the Government of the RF of 2010, July 26, N 558 (ed. of 2013 Dec16) (with “Rules for distribution, dispensing and realization of drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as dispensing and realization of their precursors”). Collection of Laws of the RF, 02.08.2010; ¹31, art. 4256. (In Russia).
  4. On licensing some types of activity: the Federal Law of 2011, May 04 ¹ 99-FZ (ed. 2013 Jul 02) Collection of Laws of the RF, 09.05.2011; ¹19, art. 2716. (In Russia).
  5. On drug circulation: the Federal Law of 2010, April 12, ¹61-FZ (ed. 2013 Nov 25).Collection of Laws of the RF, 19.04.2010; ¹ 16, art. 1815. (In Russia).
  6. On the procedure of storage of drugs, psychotropic substances, and their precursors”: Regulation of the Government of the RF of 2009, December 31, ¹ 1148 (ed. 2013 Feb 16) (with the Rules for storage of drugs, psychotropic substances, and their precursors). Collection of Laws of the RF, 25.01.2010; ¹4, art. 394. (In Russia).
  7. On approving special demands to storage conditions for drugs and psychotropic substances registered in the Russian Federation as medicines intended for medical care in pharmacies, health care facilities, research and training institutions as well as wholesalers of medicine: the Order of MoH&SD of the RF of 2011, May 16 N 397n (Registration in the Ministry of Justice of 2011 June 02 N 2092). Rossiyskaya gazeta, ¹ 125, 10.06.2011. (In Russia).
  8. On approving the Administrative regulations of Russian Federal Service for Drug Control to provide the conclusions on compliance of objects and spaces, in which the activity is carried out related to drug, psychotropic substances and precursors of the List I trafficking and/or cultivation of narcotic plants with the demands to equipping the objects and spaces with engineering and technical protecting means: the Regulation of RFSDC of 2012 January 12 ¹9 (ed. 2013 Apr 19) (Registration in the Ministry of Justice of 2012 Mar 12 ¹ 23448). Byulleten' normativnykh aktov federal'nykh organov ispolnitel'noy vlasti 18.06.2012; ¹ 25. (In Russia).
  9. On approving the list of drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors to be monitored in the Russian Federation: Regulation of the Government of the RF of 1998 June 30 ¹ 681 (ed. 2013 Dec16). Collection of Laws of the RF, 06.07.1998; ¹27, art. 3198. (In Russia).
  10. On the procedure to provide information on activity related to drug and psychotropic substances trafficking and registration of operations related with drug and psychotropic substances trafficking: Regulation of the Government of the RF 2006 November 04 ¹ 644 (ed. 2013 Dec 16) (with “Rules for submission of reports by legal entities on activities related to drug and psychotropic substances trafficking”; and “Rules for conducting and storage of special journals to register operations related to drug and psychotropic substances trafficking” . Collection of Laws of the RF, 13.11.2006; ¹46, art. 4795. (In Russia).

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