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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2014 (37) arrow Conceptual framework for a modern health care facility development
Conceptual framework for a modern health care facility development Print
Tuesday, 15 July 2014

S.N. Petrosov1, N.Yu. Trifonova2
1 Limited Liability Company “DERAIS”, SM-Clinic, Moscow
2 Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Training of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract. Background. Unfortunately, positive experience in practical implementation of numerous economic experiments as one of the attempts to introduce innovations into the health care system and develop mechanisms for improvement is yet to be widely disseminated, because its implementation required change in mentality of both managers and staff of a heath care facility.

Not every head of a health care facility is ready to practice strategic management and implement modern innovations because he or she is not mentally ready for reforms and does not believe in positive results of innovations.

Changes in population health indicators are not dependable upon the country social and economic situation alone but also to a certain degree upon organization of health care delivery including inpatient care. Inpatient care requires significant government expenditures for its organization, maintenance and development compared to outpatient care.

The aim of the study is to substantiate organizational basis for performance of a modern health care facility (exemplified by the SM-Med network of clinics).

Objectives of the study included the following: a) to study resources, organizational structure, financing, management, operating activity and innovative work of the health care facility under study; b) to develop evidence-based strategic framework to manage the network of clinics.

Results. The study showed that successful implementation of innovative policy requires development of the facility’s mission and concept, principles of strategic management, and system of informational support based on the use of modern information technologies, to create organic management structure being flexible and easy to adjust to changes and requirements of the operating processes, including the following functional subsystems: management, marketing, finances, staff, innovations and performance.

Practical value. The authors identified optimal directions for innovative activities in health care contributing to improvement of health care facilities.

Keywords. Management; strategy; organizational basis; conceptual framework for management.



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