Ju.V. Mikhaylova1, A.Yu. Abramov2, I.S. Tsybulskaya1, I.B. Shikina1, N.I. Khaliullin3, E.R. Nizamova1
1 Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
3 Bagrationovskaya central regional hospital, Kaliningrad.
Summary. In recent years the mass use of
psychoactive substances and associated mental and behavioral disorders
coupled with the widespread of blood-borne infections has been stirring
the public alarm.
The aim of the study is to evaluate current situation with drug addiction among children, adolescents and the youth in the Russian Federation.
Objectives of the study: to determine peculiarities and
consequences of the use of psychoactive substances with a breakdown on
age and place of residence using official statistics and scientific
literature analysis.
Methods and data. Mathematical processing and
analytical assessment of official statistics – Information on narcotic
disorders (Form#11) in Russia, Moscow and Federal Districts of the
Russian Federation in 2012 and selected data for 1993 and 2008.
Results. The number of users of psychoactive substances
in Russia among 10-14 years old was 217.1 per 100,000 of population of
corresponding age (277 in urban and 84.4 in rural areas) with a sharp
increase in the number of users among 15-17 years old (by 8.9 times in
urban and by 10.3 times in rural areas). Among all users of psychoactive
substances the number of males is 4.9 times higher than females. In
2012, the share of alcohol users added up to 80.7% out of all users of
psychoactive substances, narcotic drugs – 18.3% and toxic substances –
1.0%. Rural dwellers develop addiction and harmful consequences of abuse
faster compared to urban dwellers: transition from the primary to
medium stage or from medium to final stage of alcohol abuse occurs 2-3
times more often, drug abuse among 15-17 years old takes place 3.3 times
more often and toxic substances abuse –2.6 times more often.
Share of harmful consequences associated with the use of psychoactive
substances is higher in rural areas compared to urban settings in all
ages. Rural females suffer from chronic alcohol abuse by 10.2% more
On average, in a megalopolis (in Moscow) harmful consequences of
alcohol and drug abuse (including heroine) in children and adolescents
are more clearly manifested compared to all other Russian cities. In
Moscow the number of HIV-infection and hepatitis is relatively higher
among adolescents. Annual dynamics of alcohol use with harmful
consequences in women, children and adolescents increase by higher
Conclusions. Scales and rates of initiation of
consumption and use of psychoactive substances in women, children and
the youth lead to reduced ontogenetic adaptation and personal social
degradation threatening national security of the country.
Keywords: Drug addiction among the youth; psychoactive substances; harmful consequences of use of psychoactive substances.
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