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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2014 (37) arrow Composition of executive staff in healthcare: analysis, problems and vector of development
Composition of executive staff in healthcare: analysis, problems and vector of development Print
Tuesday, 15 July 2014

T.A. Siburina, Yu.V. Miroshnikova, L.K. Lokhtina
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract. Improved effectiveness of healthcare management is pretty much determined by professional competence of executive staff, its ability to meet current challenges, compatibility of professional, practical and personal characteristics with the needs and perceptions of management. It also depends upon staff policy concerning headcount optimization of administrative staff.

The aim of the study is to conduct a statistical analysis of executive staff composition and changes in its number and structure.

Methods and data. On the basis of official statistics (forms of State Medical Statistics #17, 30 and 47a for 2000-2012) the authors conducted a comprehensive analysis of executive staff composition, calculated indicators of quantitative changes and specifics of changes taking place both in Russia in general and within its Federal Districts. The analysis identified specific characteristic of staffing of executive positions depending upon level of management and type of organization across the Federal Districts.

Results. Proceeding from the abovementioned statistics the authors demonstrated dynamics towards increase in the number of executive staff which was not due to the development of administrated subsystem but was rather accompanied by decrease in the number of physicians and a sharp decline in the number of healthcare facilities in the country in general and, to various extent, in the Federal Districts.

Over the same period an abrupt restructuring of administrative staff took place depending upon the level of management.

Analysis of quantitative composition of administrative staff of health care facilities revealed problems related to staffing of senior positions in municipal facilities and in the Federal Districts of the Eastern part of the country.

Conclusions. Over 96% of all senior positions at healthcare authorities are staffed by physicians. On average, there are 3.6 administrative staff positions per 100 physicians (staff positions) in Russia. About two thirds of health managers work at municipal institutions, and one third – at regional institutions and less than 3% - at federal ones.

An intensive growth of the number of executive staff was accompanied by practically unchanged previous number of health staff and a sharp decline (by 2.2 times) in the number of facilities by 2012.

The highest increase in the number of administrative staff was registered in the Ural Federal District (by 6.5 times) and in the Siberian Federal District (by 5.1 times).

Scope of application. The results could be used to develop staffing policy (both state and municipal) in terms of headcount optimization of administrative personnel, to plan their training within the system of extended education, and to substantiate the number of succession membership for nomination to senior positions.

Keywords. Executive staff; administrative staff; heads of healthcare facilities; executive staff management.



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