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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2014 (38) arrow Factors of mortality from external causes and ways to reduce it: experience of the expert interview
Factors of mortality from external causes and ways to reduce it: experience of the expert interview Print
Monday, 01 September 2014

V.V. Yumaguzin, M.V. Vinnik
The Institute of Demography, National Research University «Higher School of Economics», Moscow

Abstract. Relevance of the work is determined by the need to reduce high mortality from external causes, compared with the developed countries, and to create conditions for increasing life expectancy in Russia. The article tests the working hypothesis that a high level of traumatic mortality in Russia is associated with behavioral risk factors.

The aim of the study was to identify factors of mortality from external causes based on the study of expert opinions and develop ways to reduce it.

Methods. An expert interview of 18 experts was conducted. Besides demographers the interviewees also included sociologists, statisticians, doctors, lawyers, and community leaders.

Results. The article provides results of the analysis of the expert interviews. The interviews covered factors of high traumatic mortality in working age as well as measures for prevention and reduction; furthermore, the interviews also discussed the existing priorities of socio-demographic policy related to mortality from external causes, and possible scenarios of dynamics of mortality and life expectancy in Russia.

Conclusions. The working hypothesis was partially confirmed: high mortality from external causes is associated with behavioral, environmental and economic risk factors. Therefore, the crucial objectives include developing a self-protective, vital behavior as well as creating favorable physical and social conditions of work, leisure and travel.

These actions should be accompanied by increasing funding of programs on injury prevention and improving living standards of the population in general.

Keywords: mortality from external causes; life expectancy; expert interviews.


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