N.N. Bushmelåva
State Medical Academy of the city of Izhevsk, city of Izhevsk
Abstract. Unfavorable demographic situation in Russia
at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries characterized by the natural decline
in the population and deterioration of population health makes improved
fertility and reduced reproductive loss a socially and politically
sound issue.
The aim of the study was to develop, introduce and
evaluate effects of measures aimed at reducing reproductive loss based
on improving organization of mother and child health service at the
regional level.
Methods. Expert review of quality of medical care
delivery in cases of maternal death and perinatal deaths, simulation of
the service organization and its evaluation.
Results. Improvement of medical care aimed at reducing
reproductive loss at all stages of care delivery is based on a unified
system of obstetric care organization headed by the perinatal center and
coordinated efforts of obstetric and pediatric services as well as
effective use of resources (infrastructure and human resources).
Normative legal documents that regulate stages of care delivery to women
and routing of patients were developed; the system of training and
advanced training of obstetric personnel was improved as well as
software and information support on organization and management of care
delivery to women; a monitoring system of women with risk factors of
reproductive loss was developed and preventive activities were
Keywords: reproductive loss; maternal mortality; perinatal mortality; somatic and reproductive health of women; defects of medical care.
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