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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2014 (39) arrow Challenges of drug rehabilitation service in the context of modernization
Challenges of drug rehabilitation service in the context of modernization Print
Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Koshkina E.A.1, Kirzhanova V.V.1, Guseva O.I.2, Miroshnikova Yu.V.3
1National Research Center for Addiction Medicine, Moscow
2Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
3Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Moscow

Abstract. Background. The ongoing modernization and reforming of drug rehabilitation service in Russia conditions the necessity to monitor its current state: structural changes, major performance indicators, development of rehabilitation capacities.

The aim was to analyze structural changes, to evaluate current state and development of human resources, to analyze major performance indicators and rehabilitation capacities of drug rehabilitation service in the context of its modernization.

Methods: time series analysis, growth rates of absolute and relative indicators.

Results. Performance monitoring of drug rehabilitation service in 2009-2013 shows further changes in its structure during reforming. Decrease in the number of drug rehabilitation facilities, departments and beds is observed; capacity of outpatient facilities reduces against the background of decreased number of beds resulting in lower access to outpatient drug rehabilitation services. At the same time the number of rehabilitation departments as well as inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation programs is growing. A number of organizational problems were identified in the work of addiction psychiatrists related to insufficient number of such specialists and their high work load. Shortage of rehabilitation specialists was also identified, including addiction psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists, social workers and outreach specialists.

Conclusions. The authors made suggestions on development of outpatient facilities of the drug rehabilitation service in the context of beds reduction, development of hospital replacing technologies, enhanced availability of addiction psychiatrists, rehabilitation specialists as well as their work regulation. The study also revealed issues for further analysis.

Keywords: drug rehabilitation service; structure; staff; rehabilitation.


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