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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2014 (39) arrow Epidemiological rationale for the model of medical and social care to working age patients with organic non-psychotic mental disorders
Epidemiological rationale for the model of medical and social care to working age patients with organic non-psychotic mental disorders Print
Wednesday, 26 November 2014

M.V. Kurmyshev
Psychiatric clinical hospital #3, Moscow

Abstract. Background. The problem of organic non-psychotic mental disorders is one of the most urgent in the modern clinical and social psychiatry. According to statistical reporting of psychiatric facilities in Russia, patients with organic non-psychotic mental disorders account for 21% of all mental disorders.

Relevance of the study is determined by the growing number of patients with non-psychotic forms of mental disorders including disorders caused by organic brain diseases. Increased morbidity due to organic mental disorders is caused by high prevalence of cerebrovascular diseases, hypertension, craniocerebral trauma, and a growing number of chronic non-infectious and certain infectious diseases.

The aim of the study is to determine medical and social peculiarities of organic non-psychotic mental disorders and to develop ways of improving mental care to this cohort.


  1. To study clinical presentations of organic non-psychotic mental disorders and to identify their peculiarities with regard to gender differences.
  2. To study peculiarities of treatment and preventive care to patients with organic non-psychotic mental disorders at the outpatient and inpatient levels.
  3. To study opinion of patients and doctors about ways to improve medical and social care to this cohort of patients.
  4. To develop an organizational model of medical and social care delivery to patients with organic non-psychotic mental disorders.

Study results and practical implications. Knowledge of prevalence specifics, conditions for development, clinical structure and dynamics of organic non-psychotic mental disorders will help improve quality of treatment, diagnostics and rehabilitation of those patients.

The identified regularities can be used to develop medical and social programs aimed at improving quality of life of patients with organic non-psychotic mental disorders as well as in routine work of mental physicians, neurologists and doctors of other specialities.

Keywords: non-psychotic mental disorders; medical and social care; brain diseases; mental physician.


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