Martynchik S.A., Sokolova O.V., Potemkin E.L.
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
Abstract. The aim of the study is to present a method
to calculate actual resulting cost per completed hospital case based on
the “neurology” disease group used for care cost regulation in the
departmental hospital in provision of commercial services under
voluntary medical insurance contracts.
We performed evaluation of clinical and economic indicators of
result-oriented hospital activity – a treated patient under voluntary
medical insurance. This evaluation ensures cost accounting and recourse
determination, operating cost control and introduction of elements of
financial management.
The study reviewed main principles of activity-based costing and
analysis in developing tariffs for completed treatment case according to
the “neurology” disease group, including: conditions of cost
allocation: patient, disease group, type of care; method to determine
cost and price: estimation of cost including complete expenses (net
cost), classification of expenses by fixed and related, related profit;
estimation of profitability, breakeven point, effect of operating
We studied the system of comprehensive evaluation of hospital
performance based on the system approach to evaluation of results by its
components: “expenses” – “volumes” – “profit”.
The study shows that evaluation of ‘result’ of commercial activity is
based on indicators of medical and economic efficiency: clinical
efficacy and care appropriateness; profitability; return of aggregated
expenses; financial stability; managerial control of expenses.
The authors substantiated the standard cost system and net costing
which is characterized by inclusion of complete expenses allowing to
reimburse all expenses related to provision of medical services.
The following key indicators of hospital performance were calculated: breakeven point, financial strength, operating leverage.
The study recommends development of the system of standards of
disease related groups on the basis of the method of cost analysis of a
disease related group with due regard to case specifics and composition
as a basis for implementing financial norms of provision of inpatient
neurological care and setting up incremental contract prices. This is of
great importance during transition to normative planning of hospital
activity in the context of single channel financing.
Keywords: inpatient care; completed treatment case;
disease related group; cerebrovascular diseases; expenses; prime cost;
profitability; financial stability; managerial control of expenses;
voluntary medical insurance.
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