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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2014 (39) arrow Strategy for organizing tobacco cessation services in health care facilities
Strategy for organizing tobacco cessation services in health care facilities Print
Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Donitova VV, Sakharova GM, Antonov NS
Pulmonology Research Institute of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Moscow

Abstract. Effective implementation of tobacco cessation services and tobacco ban within the premises of a health care facility require individual approach to every facility.

The aim of the study was to develop methodology for systematizing measures aimed at organizing tobacco cessation services and banning tobacco in health care facilities with due regard to their individual peculiarities.

The first step of the developed methodology is base-line assessment of the facility i.e. data on smoking prevalence among medical staff (control parameters), their knowledge about harmful consequences of tobacco use and tobacco cessation services, availability of information system for patients about harmful consequences of tobacco use and tobacco cessation services.

Implementation of this methodology was technically supported by survey questionnaires to determine parameters’ values; and database for collecting and processing survey results. The article describes algorythm of statistical processing and program making as well as further monitoring and adjustment of the program.

The developed methodology including questionnaires and database was tested in 5 health care facilities. 715 health care professionals, 174 technical specialists and 505 patients took part in the survey. Methodology was tested in the multi-specialty hospital with 845 beds.

The survey results identified the following main problems that health care facilities face: high prevalence of smoking among medical staff, lack of efficient measures for its reduction, lack of knowledge about harmful consequences of tobacco use and treatment of nicotine addiction, poor patient information about harmful consequences of tobacco use and staff are not ready for a total tobacco ban in health care facilities.

The authors demonstrated that all “weak points” should be considered in developing program on tobacco cessation services and tobacco ban in health care facilities. Monitoring of base-line indicators during program implementation helps identify its defects and introduce necessary adjustments.

The developed methodology ensures effective introduction of measures aimed at delivery of tobacco cessation services and tobacco ban in any health care facility which is currently crucial and essential.

Key words: healthcare organization, tobacco, smoking, information systems, survey.


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