G.N. Barskova, R.I. Devishev, L.K. Lokhtina
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of
Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation,
Abstract. The article is based on results of the
analysis of applying the modern technology to evaluate the extent to
which health organizations achieve the target activity indicators. The
article focuses on variety and peculiarities of ranking, difficulties
and related problems. It was found out that rankings’ objectivity level
is greatly affected by selection of the ranking subjects, substantiation
of the indicators’ list and methods for score calculation. Another
important factor is that until now there is no shared vision regarding
content and quantitative measurement of such important indicators for
ranking as quality of health care and patients’ satisfaction.
The aim of the study was to conduct a comprehensive
review of the current ranking system in the Russian healthcare; to
identify main problems and substantiate certain approaches to solution
on the base of analysis and aggregation of data on ranking practice of
health organizations in the Russian regions.
Methodology. Analysis of the existing national and international practice of ranking in healthcare.
Results. The ranking practice of health organizations
in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation faces different
problems mainly due to the lack of common methodological approaches.
Ranking is based on multiple factor analysis of indicators that
characterize different activities and resources of health organizations.
Ranking is one form of quality assurance of health care as well as a
resulting process for evaluating achievement of health and social as
well as financial and economic targets by health organizations. Ranking
contributes to increased efficiency in management decision making aimed
at improved performance of health organizations, and serves as a tool to
increase competitive advantages and image of healthcare institutions at
the market of health services.
Keywords: ranking; integrated index; ranking of health
organizations; rating; univariate and multidimentional rankings;
independent evaluation of quality of health care.
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