Altunin A.V.
Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
Abstract. Analysis of approaches to evaluate
professional competence is substantiated by the worldwide trends towards
standard evaluation of work quality and related changes in
administrative requirements to specialists.
Aim. To determine and analyze main approaches to study professional competence of staff of scientific medical organizations.
Method: theoretical literature analysis.
Results: The review identified the following four main
approaches: American approach, based on understanding competence through
observed behavior and its efficiency; European approach, with a focus
on functions and tasks of professional activity; expert approach,
studying competence through review of experts’ characteristics; and
national (Russian) approach, initially limited to Knowledge paradigm and
is being currently used to illustrate the integrated model for
understanding this problem.
Four main types of competences: fundamental competence that is
necessary for developing professional adaptiveness of a specialist;
nuclear one that includes functional labor aspects; professional
competence, reflecting technological aspect of professional activity;
and over-professional competence related to the subject of activity and
its social interaction.
Creativity is regarded as an integral factor for other competences.
The article describes things in common across the described approaches
and classifications of competences as well as development of the target
indicator of quality of professional activity of scientific medical
workers – their publication activity.
Scope of application: results could be used to develop
methodological basis for centers of competence development that are
necessary for the most efficient transition of the national medical
science into the innovative competence approach.
Keywords: Competence, expertise, qualification, professional
activity, competence approach, information and communication
technologies; quality management, publication activity.
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