Zaykova Z.A.
Irkutsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Abstract. Indicators of suicide mortality are used for
analysis of demographic situation and assessment of society social
ill-being. The problem of suicide mortality is still a pressing
challenge in some Russian regions because of its high rates and its
significant input into mortality of working population resulting in
reduced population and considerable economic damage.
The aim was to study current suicide mortality trends in the Irkutsk
region and to determine its relationship with other factors especially
social and economic ones.
The study applied direct standardization using European standard, correlation analysis, ranking, forecasting and other methods.
Despite reduction of suicide mortality in 2000-2013, in the Irkutsk
region the rates are still high: in 2013, the standardized rate was 1.6
times higher the Russia’s average. The WHO crucial level was exceeded by
3-5 times (20 deaths per 100,000) in half of the districts of the
Irkutsk region (average for 2010-2013).
Similarly to the Russia’s average, the rates of rural suicide
mortality in the region was 2.1 times higher compared to the urban
rates; the reduction rates of suicide mortality for the whole population
are also similar – annual average reduction rates during the research
period equaled to 4.9%.
Gender differences are less pronounced in the Irkutsk region – male
mortality is 5.3 times higher the female one, while the Russia’s average
is 6.0 times.
The study showed strong correlation between suicide mortality and
social and economic factors: per capita population income, average
monthly earnings, living minimum wage, per capita living area etc.
Affect of social stress is confirmed by coefficients of medium
correlation with activity rates (r = -0.44) and unemployment (r = 0.68).
To estimate society ill-being we used both individual indicators of
suicide mortality and in the relation to homicide mortality indicator,
for instance, to determine Gilinski’ “civility and sociality” and
Leshchenko’ psychological (intellectual) ill-being of the society.
Due to insufficient statistical reporting in the region the estimates may not be reliable.
Analysis of mortality from external causes in the Irkutsk region in
2012 found out that the rates of suicide mortality were underestimated
by approximately 7.3% i.e. it was close to actual figures and could be
used for estimation of society ill-being.
The determined current peculiarities and trends in suicide mortality
in the Irkutsk region allow for more effective planning and
implementation of preventive activities among the population.
Keywords: suicide mortality; social and economic factors, demographic factors; correlation; social ill-being.
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