E.P. Fomin
Central Medical Unit #7, Federal Bio-Medical Agency of Russia, town of Ozersk, Chelyabinsk region
Contacts: Evgeniy Fomin, e-mail:
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Abstract. Background. Healthcare system of the
Russian Federation has undergone substantial changes related to
realization of certain projects and programs. It definitely affected
health of working-age population including those working within the
system of restricted-access entities providing realization of important
economic targets.
Methods and data. To evaluate effect of reorganization
and modernization of the healthcare system the author conducted a
comprehensive analysis of health status of the restricted-access entity
residents (town of Ozersk, Chelyabinsk region) in 2005-2013 using
official statistics on demographic situation, morbidity and disability
of its population.
Trends’ modeling was applied to determine the process trend and its reliability.
Study results. Some positive changes in demographic
situation and health of working-age population of the restricted- access
entity were identified. Fertility essentially increased, while crude
mortality decreased accompanied by reduction in the natural population
Decrease in crude mortality was due to diseases of the circulatory
system, trauma and poisoning. Positive dynamics in disease prevalence
and incidence was noted across almost all groups of diseases including
those with previous trends towards growth. Diseases of the circulatory
system and diseases of the respiratory system are the leading causes of
morbidity. Incidence and prevalence of disability also reduced. Diseases
of the circulatory system together with malignant neoplasms still lead
structure of the disability causes.
Conclusions. Healthcare system reorganization and
modernization in the restricted-access entity allowed to improve quality
of medical care as well as health status of the working-age population,
and to reduce morbidity, disability and mortality.
Keywords: health status; morbidity; disability; mortality; working-age population; restricted-access entity.
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