V.V. Orlova
Contacts: Vera Orlova; e-mail:
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Abstract. Mastery of new information technologies and Internet
contributes to new ways of communication, new opportunities for
interaction of people, development of social links, creative and social
realization of citizens, and new ways of doing business. For any health
care facility, the patient should be the focal point.
Customer focus and high standards of services is the prerequisite for
a commercial clinic performance. The problem is that the level of
communication between medical organizations, between the clinic and
patients significantly lags behind currently available new technologies.
Many of these opportunities are yet to be used or currently
underutilized. The paper focuses on interaction with patients via web
site of the health care facility.
The purpose of the study is development of a tool to improve
communication with patients of Polyclinic No. 6 in Tomsk through
establishing Internet communication.
Methods and data. Data of the territorial body of the Federal
State Statistics Service of the Tomsk oblast; analysis of the relevant
domestic and foreign sources of information; methods of sociological
survey of patients of polyclinic No. 6 in Tomsk, and statistical data
processing, interview.
Results. Six healthcare organizations providing high-tech care
both to the Russian citizens and foreigners have been selected out of
the federal healthcare organizations with web sites. Based on the
conducted study and problems identified, the author developed a program
aimed at enhancing the polyclinic’s web site.
Assessing key aspects of this program, we can say that the program
can facilitate work of receptionists in terms of incoming phone calls
and queues at the reception desk. It will also help to save patients’
time, providing necessary information on provision of medicines in a
fast and convenient manner without going out of home.
Patients with chronic conditions and their families will be able to
find general information, schedules, location, and time of “health
Taking into account results of the already carried out practical
activities, we can say that the stated objectives were successfully met
and, therefore, the goal of this work - to improve interaction with
patients of polyclinic No. 6 in Tomsk through establishing Internet
communication was achieved, recommendations to improve the polyclinic’s
web site were developed.
Keywords: Internet communication, web site, health care facility, patient
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