Martynchik S.A., Sokolova O.V., Potemkin E.L.
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
Contacts: Svetlana A. Martynchik, e-mail:
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Abstract. The paper outlines development of a system to form
clinical and statistical groups on the basis of clinical homogeneity,
similarity of cost structures and resources as a tool to improve
remuneration and funding of the hospital within the system of voluntary
health insurance.
The purpose of the study was to develop an algorithm to form
clinical and statistical groups in order to establish standards that are
applicable to the assessment of volume of care and cost per completed
inpatient case of vascular diseases of the brain. The algorithm to form
clinical and statistical groups was developed on the basis of
evidence-based grouping of patients by diagnosis (ICD -10) and actual
cost per completed case according to the range of health services, with
due regard to the following categories: input intensities, complexity of
follow-up and levels of inpatient care. Setting rates for clinical and
statistical groups for vascular diseases of the brain are considered the
decision rules and procedures for the standardization of cost related
to health services per completed case in order to establish technology
and expenditure standards that would serve basis for determining cost
per completed inpatient case. Activity on development of clinical and
statistical groups consists of the following steps: 1) typing patients
according to "clinical homogeneity and economic equivalence of consumed
resources"; 2) determining coefficients of resources consumed; 3)
calculating weight adjustment factors of value, with due regard to
complexity of patient follow-up and its level; 4) establishing standards
of financial cost and differentiated charges per completed case. Within
the formed system of clinical and statistical groups of patients with
cerebrovascular diseases, selection criteria of clinical and statistical
groups were developed including permissible variation of parameters:
average cost based on the adjustment factors, average length of
treatment, mortality, and percentage of inadequate health care.
Keywords: clinical and statistical groups, remuneration per
completed inpatient case, vascular diseases of the brain, voluntary
health insurance.
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