¹Koshkina E.A., ¹Kirzhanova V.V., ²Guseva O.I.
¹ Federal Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow;
² Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Contacts: Valentina V. Kirzhanova, e-mail:
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Abstract: Significance. Modernization of the Russian drug
rehabilitation service involves investing in its legal, financial and
organizational spheres. Significance of the study is related to the need
to monitor effectiveness of investments into drug rehabilitation
service as part of its modernization.
The purpose of the study was to analyze performance of
the drug rehabilitation service in 2010-2013, using modernization
indicators and other statistics; to analyze effectiveness of the
regional services that are currently at different stages of
modernization; to identify main problems related to performance
evaluation of the drug rehabilitation service.
Methods: Analysis of remission and recovery (persistent
improvement) indicators, as well as indicators of involvement into
rehabilitation process and effectiveness of rehabilitation in 2010-2013
at the national level with the use of growth rates.
Analysis of relationship between remission and recovery indicators
for 2013 was performed using the Spearman test. The authors also
identified two groups of regions at different stages of modernization
and conducted a comparative analysis of the services’ effectiveness in
two independent samples of regions using the Mann-Whitney test.
Results: Analysis of the drug rehabilitation service
performance showed mixed trends related to remission, recovery, as well
as involvement into rehabilitation and efficiency of the process, among
patients with both drug and alcohol addiction. This demonstrates the
need for objectification of these indicators, development of unified
regulatory acts and standards to establish remission and recovery, as
well as criteria for successful completion of rehabilitation programs,
based on patients’ physical examination.
Results of the comparative analysis of the two independent groups of
regions indicate no statistically significant differences across all
monitoring indicators as part of the service modernization programs.
Conclusions: The article provided recommendations for
improving monitoring indicators. To achieve significant modernization
effect, it is necessary to continue long-term investments, primarily
into legal, research-related, organizational, and educational spheres.
Keywords: modernization; monitoring; effectiveness; quality; targets; indicators.
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