Bashmakov O.A.
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow
Contacts: Oleg A. Bashmakov,
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Abstract. Significance. Today, manager in healthcare
must be a well-trained physician knowledgeable in such social and
biological sciences, as social hygiene and health care organization.
Only in this way we can expect a head be effective in health management
which is not a bed of roses, only such guidance, based on knowledge of
objective laws of nature and society allows to constantly find new ways
to meet challenges of health maintenance and health improvement rather
than helplessly go around in circles.
The purpose was to define major differential medical and social characteristics of heads in modern healthcare.
Methods: comparative analysis, monographic, statistical.
Results. The article analyzed the share of heads of
health care organizations out of all doctors in Moscow and the Moscow
region, which added up to 5.2%. The share in polyclinics equaled to
4.0%, in hospitals - 6%. The paper provides general characteristics in
terms of interest in the work of health care managers, their experience
and maturity at the time of starting up their managerial activity. The
article also explored the issue of most appropriate form of postgraduate
training of heads of health care organizations. Full-time training
which is viewed by heads as most effective one has been offered.
Conclusions. This small in number, but most important
pool in health management should consist of highly skilled, most
talented professionals out of all health care managers. Managerial staff
selection and placement at this level should be carried out very
carefully, their specialty training in public health and health care
organization should be of high quality.
Scope of application. The results can be used in
postgraduate education at the departments that train managers and
policy-makers in "Public Health and Health Care Organization."
Keywords: health care manager; managerial staff; postgraduate training; refresher courses; workforce capacity.
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