Siburina T.A.1, Miroshnikova Yu.V.2
1Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics, Moscow
2Federal Bio-Medical Agency, Moscow
Abstract. Specialists in public health and healthcare
organization constitute the core potential of the healthcare managerial
personnel. Performance of the healthcare system as well as its
susceptibility to technological improvement and workforce development is
mainly dependable upon composition and skill level of such specialists.
The purpose of the study was to assess validity
of changes made to the title of this medical specialty and scientific
and educational subjects - "social hygiene and public health
organization", and to analyze composition and develop a current
statistical "portrait" of specialists in this field.
Methods and data. The article used historical data,
legal documents and statistical analysis of composition of the public
health and health care organization specialists. Although the specialty
exists for more than one century and a half, it has, like no other,
undergone through multiple changes in its title associated with its
social orientation and political engagement.
Social hygiene and health care organization, being the basis for
prevention in the Soviet Union, was given an indifferent name of "Public
Health and Health Care Organization", while social hygiene as a science
studying environmental impact on health, was merged with the state
sanitary and epidemiological service. This consolidation significantly
narrowed its field of research.
However, 6254 specialists are engaged in social hygiene and
organization of sanitary and epidemiological service, 83.3% of them are
placed at education institutions, research institutes, and government
The majority of health care managers works at health care facilities
and only one in ten of them works at the government authorities,
education institutions and research institutes. The number of health
care managers and specialists of the sanitary and epidemiological
service varies considerably across federal districts, by concentration
in various fields, and by recognized parameters characterizing the level
of qualification.
Keywords: nomenclature of specialists, social hygiene
specialists, managers of sanitary and epidemiological service, public
health and health care organization
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