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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2015 (41) arrow MODERN APPROACHES TO TB DETECTION AMONG MIGRANTS
Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Kornilovà Z. H., Khulkhachiev O. B.
¹Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Russian Academy of Medical SciencesMoscow
²All-Russia Research Institute of Railway Hygiene, Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow

Abstract. Background. Nowadays, migration plays an important social and economic role in terms of epidemiological well-being. None of the world’s countries has resources and institutional mechanisms for effectively handling issues related to population migration: provision of housing, employment, social allowances etc. However, final measures for solving the majority of current conflicts in the trouble regions are yet to be developed together with economic and social projects to effectively handle the existing and potential problems associated with large-scale migration. The article dwells upon pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) as one of the infectious diseases imported by migrants that challenges the infectious safety of the state.

The purpose of the study was to substantiate modern approaches to TB detection among migrants in megalopolis.

Methods: analytical, direct observation, statistical, graphical.

Results. The authors studied possible ways to recruit migrants for complex medical examination.

The main points of active TB detection were temporary accommodation facilities, hotels, dormitories, facilities of primary health care and social support and places of work or education. Another way of active TB detection is individual preventive examination of migrants at work placement or registration at the employment service.

General and specialized health facilities add to early TB detection through health encounters since migrants with pulmonary symptoms seek care at such facilities.

Conclusions. Study results showed that whenever possible all known phthisiology methods for TB detection and diagnostics should be used in migrants with different status. However, fluorography is considered the most effective one. Bacterioscopy at places of mass concentration of migrants is less available and can be implemented only after fluorography.

The conducted treatment resulted in the pronounced positive dynamics: clinical signs of specific intoxication disappeared, cough and expectoration ceased, catarrhal symptoms were not auscultated. Bacillation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was not detected either by bacterioscopy or cultures. Blood and urine tests, liver function tests were within normal ranges. Predictors of inflammatory complex came to normal.

This example illustrates efficiency of timely detection and early treatment with inexpensive short-term courses of directly observed TB treatment.

Scope of application. The received data can be used both in TB services and in branches of the Directorate of the Federal Migration Service to assess epidemic situation related to TB prevalence in migrants.

Keywords: tuberculosis; TB; detection; ways; migrants; timeliness.


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