Kobyakova O.S. 1, Deev I.A.1, Kulikov E.S.1, Starovoitova E.A.1, Kirillova N.A.1, Boikov V.A.1,2, Fedosenko S.V.1, Selivanova N.V.3
1 Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk
2Department of Health of the Tomsk region, Tomsk
3Zyryansky district Hospital, Tomsk region
Abstract. Smoking as a leading risk factor for chronic
non-communicable diseases associated with high levels of morbidity and
mortality remains a challenge to the modern healthcare.
Despite thoroughly studied mechanisms of pathological impacts of
cigarette smoke and its consequences, tobacco dependence treatment is
one of the major objectives of preventive medicine.
Demonstrating consequences of tobacco smoke exposure to healthy
smokers including: decreased pulmonary function including increased
"lung age" may reinforce motivational counseling and increase effects of
behavioral techniques for smoking cessation.
Spirometry provides for early diagnosis of chronic obstructive lung
disease. Therefore, pulmonary function test should be used for examining
smokers to detect early signs of diseases, and, in combination with
other methods, to effectively motivate smokers during smoking cessation
Keywords: smoking; smoking cessation motivation; lung function in smoking; smoking cessation.
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