Tajnitskaja E.V., Komarova I.I., Storogeva I.V., Stashina V.N., Belova O.V
Children's polyclinic № 3, Yaroslavl Region
Abstract. Relevance. Low professional level of
management training in health care, the restriction of the medical
commission on internal care quality control motivated this study.
The aim. Work has been done in order to validate the role of
the medical commission in quality management of medical assistance to
children in primary care. The subjects assessed: professional
qualification of medical staff of medical commissions of children's
polyclinics in Yaroslavl, the activities of the medical commission,
through the example of children's polyclinic № 3 Dzerzhinsky district of
Yaroslavl. Methods: Statistical analysis, descriptive, analytical methods, survey through questionnaires.
Results. Medical personnel of medical commissions have a
priority training on assesses of temporary disability and permanent loss
of health and a lack training (about 40%) on the health care quality
control. The solution of medical and social problems in an integral
connection with quality control of medical care possible to obtain the
consistent results of average duration of care for a sick child on
disease for 8.2, on injuries for 14.1 days. A stabilization of a level
of general child´s disability level were observed. The number of
outpatients with identified care violation significantly decreased from
36.7 to 28.3% (8.4%).
Conclusions. Training priority of medical commissions of
children's clinics in Yaroslavl in the field of expertise of temporary
disability, permanent loss of health and a lack of medical care quality
management has been established. The relationship of training and
activities of the medical commission and medical-social outcomes in a
particular area, has been established. We offer to include the internal
control quality and safety of medical practice in the list of functions
of the medical commission of medical organizations.
Keywords: medical commission; professional qualifications; medical expertise; control of the medical care quality
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