Starodubov V.I.¹, Mishina O. S.¹, Dvornikov A.S.²
¹ Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
² National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov, Moscow
Contacts: Olesya S. Mishina,
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Abstract. For decades foreign and domestic health systems have
been looking for models of care delivery to chronic patients that would
best correlate with the developed system of care organization to the
population with due regard to the happening changes.
The purpose of this work was to develop a concept model of
medical and social care organization to patients with chronic
conditions. The "Lifelong Follow-up of Chronic Patients" model was
substantiated on the basis of the identified specific features of care
delivery to patients with psoriasis. We used the organizational design
method to develop this model.
The main objective of model is to shift away from the
widespread episodic assistance which is relevant in case of acute stages
to the comprehensive long-term management of patients to maintain their
health, working capacity, and decent quality of life.
The model is planned to be implemented at the Center for chronic
diseases. To ensure a wide access to patients such Center is advisable
to be set up as an organizational unit of an outpatient facility with
relevant medical and rehabilitation and personnel capacities. Advantages
of the Center for chronic diseases include the following:
interdisciplinary approach, coordination and concentration of medical
services in one place, creation of conditions for comprehensive
preventive medical and social care, differentiation of volume and types
of care depending on the risk of complications, maintenance of working
capacity and decent quality of life.
Integration of the Center of chronic diseases with activities of the
social support services and non-governmental organizations allows to
increase medical and legal knowledge of patients, to develop
self-management and peer support, to motivate patients to preserve
health and follow a healthy lifestyle; to provide social and
psychological assistance, to ensure medical and social follow-up during
disease non-acute stages and to provide comprehensive rehabilitation.
Keywords. Patients with chronic diseases, care for chronic diseases, medical and social care.
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