A.B. Sukhoveeva
Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Birobidzhan
Contacts: Anna B. Sukhoveeva,
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Abstract. Deterioration of the population quality
characteristics during the reform period was typical for all regions of
Russia. However, the Far East Federal District faced the toughest
situation in terms of health indicators despite younger age structure of
its population.
The Jewish Autonomous Region reported the worst health indicators among all regions of Far East Federal District.
Changes in social and economic environment and public health in the
region in the 1990s of the 20th century reflected similar situation
mirroring the general situation in Russia, but with deeper negative
trends in population health.
The purpose of this paper is to identify territorial and
social and demographic characteristics of changes in lifestyle and
quality of life and their impact on health in the Jewish Autonomous
Region in 1990-2012.
Methods and data. Survey of population of municipalities of
the Jewish Autonomous Region in 2009 and 2012 enabled to give some
estimates of health status of the respondents. Sample included 343
people aged 35 to 87 in each year. This survey was based on direct
self-assessment of life, social and economic characteristics, and
characteristics related to health and lifestyle by respondents.
Conclusions. About 50% of respondents believe their health is
«satisfactory» regardless of type of locality and place of living.
Population of the Jewish Autonomous Region has a similar structure of
health-related self-assessment as the Russian one. The share of those
satisfied with their health status is higher among the «inert» type
respondents (25%) suggesting a behavior characteristic of such people
who tend to present themselves in the most favorable light and not
reflecting the actual situation related to their health. The study
showed that regardless of locality type and self-assessment of health
43% of population believe that social and economic reforms of the 1990s
had a negative impact on their health.
Scope of application. Materials and conclusions of this paper
can be used to develop and implement regional and municipal programs on
social and economic development.
Keywords: self-assessment of health; social and
economic reforms; type of locality; types of adaptive behavior; the
Jewish Autonomous Region.
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