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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2015 (43) arrow ORGANIZATIONAL LEGAL FORMS OF ENTREPRISING IN THE RUSSIAN DENTISTRY
Thursday, 09 July 2015

Kats M.A.
All-Russian Research Institute of Railway Hygiene, Moscow


Contacts: Maria Kats; This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Background. Macroeconomic consequences of active introduction of market relations into healthcare led to development of an alternative sector – private medical facilities including dental ones. State budget deficit encouraged rapid commercialization of dental service as one of the most popular and expensive types of medical care. In 2014 in Moscow alone there were over 500 licensed private dental facilities.

Private clinics owned by stand-alone doctors, groups of founders or legal entities develop rapidly. Joint-stock associations created at privatized facilities are emerging; state polyclinics initiate delivery of paid dental services.

The purpose of the work was to determine directions of dental enterprising development.

Methods. Methodological implication of the study was to integrate social and hygienic, organizational, economic, statistical and other research methods to attain the study purpose.

Results. Demand for dental services is affected not only by price but also by some other factors that shift the demand curve i.e. demand determinants: income level and paying capacity, functional and esthetic value of dental services (recovery of masticatory, swallowing, respiratory and speaking functions, cosmetic defects); company image (equipment, personnel, technologies, quality, location, working hours); prevalence of dental disorders; population awareness about stomatopathies, dental diseases and disorders of maxillofacial area and their consequences; esthetic perceptions of population.

Highly centralized management system is characteristic to private dental facilities. Furthermore, management strategy pursued by administrators of private dental facilities is realized at both tactical and operational levels.

Managerial activity of administrators of private dental facilities is mainly of organizational and executive nature and is aimed at meticulous execution of rules stated by the founders.

Conclusions. Enterprising activity of private dental clinics comprises two main models: liberal and leasing and administrative-oriented. These models differ according to the degree of administrative control over financial, economic and business activity of staff and contractors of private dental facilities.

Keywords: private dental facilities; organizational forms; management


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