Zhuravleva I.V., Ivanova L.Yu.
Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Contacts: Irina V. Zhuravleva, e-mail:
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Abstract. Study of migrants’ health is substantiated by
the fact that their health is under-investigated, however, it is of
great importance to the Russian population because migrants have higher
prevalence rates of dangerous infectious diseases compared to local
population. Furthermore, scientists from the CIS countries report
deterioration of health of people leaving for better earnings, that
negatively affects public health in host countries, since migrants save
on health care, trying to earn as much as possible.
The purpose was to study social and economic conditions
of life which affect migrants’ health. Subject of the study - health
behavior of migrants: risks related to infectious diseases, medical
activity, attitudes to purchasing a voluntary medical insurance policy.
As a research method we used a structured interview with visitors of
the Integrated Migration Center in St. Petersburg who came to get a work
permit. A total of 150 respondents included 69.3% men and 30.7% women.
The average age of respondents added up to 33 years (32 years for men
and 36 years – for women). The study included respondents from nine
countries of the CIS countries, as well as Turkish citizens.
The study showed that migrants face more working hours, considerably
overcrowded accommodation, and malnutrition. Over the last 12 month
residence in Russia only 13.6% of men and 43.5% of women once or twice
visited a doctor. A significant share of migrants didn’t consult a
doctor for cost reasons. Only 33.9% of men and 19.2% of women expressed
their readiness to spend more than 2,000 rubles a year for medical
insurance, which corresponds to its estimated cost in St. Petersburg in
Following adoption by the State Duma (21st of November,
2014) of the law on employment of foreign workers only if they are
voluntary insured, one can expect higher utilization of medical services
by the voluntary insured, however, there is also a risk of the
increased number of illegal migrant workers, who cannot afford a medical
insurance policy on economic reasons.
Keywords: migrant workers; conditions of work and life; medical activity.
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