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Thursday, 24 September 2015

Sabgayda T.P., Zemlyanova E.V., Sekrieru Ye.M. Ivanova A.E., Semyonova V.G., Zaporozhchenko V.G.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Contacts: Tamara Sabgaida, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Statistics of multiple death causes has a great informational potential which is already widely realized in foreign studies. In Russia, such potential is hardly realized due to the fact that the overwhelming majority of medical death certificates contain only one death cause.

The study purpose is to substantiate directions for the development of multiple death causes’ analysis in the Russian Federation based on international experience.

To achieve the study purpose the authors described results of the multiple death causes’ analysis implemented by researchers from other countries as well as their scientific and practical value.

Design of the presentation was determined by assumptions made by R.A. Israel, H.M. Rosenberg and L.R. Curtin (1986), who called upon researchers to explore analytical capacity of data on multiple causes of death.

The authors prove their assumptions that accumulation of knowledge in this sphere will lead to a better understanding of mortality statistics and diseases’ epidemiology, and more substantiated completion of medical death certificates.

The authors defined reasons for filling out all lines in the 19th section of death certificates to develop data on multiple death causes:

1) Statistics of multiple death causes reveals contribution of diseases and conditions that are "lost" in traditional statistics of underlying death causes;

2) If there are several death causes it is possible to apply international decision table to modify the underlying death cause;

3) Only inclusion of several death causes makes it possible to adequately describe medical circumstances accompanying death from chronic degenerative diseases;

4) Detection of stable combinations of diseases and conditions changing probability of death from the underlying cause can extend knowledge about development of pathogenic diseases;

5) Analysis of multiple death causes helps to determine quality of diagnostics of death causes and identify problems in developing mortality statistics;

6) Practice of studying co-morbidities and combination of pathological conditions resulting in death provides for factual material to ensure quality of medical care.

Keywords: multiple death causes; underlying death cause; modification of underlying death cause; death causes structure; ranking of death causes; combination of death causes leading to lethal outcome.


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