Kislitsyna O.A.1, Ferlander S.2
1 Federal State Institution of Science, Institute of Economics of theRussian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
2 The Stockholm Centre for Health and Social Change (SCOHOST), Stockholm
Contacts: Olga Kislitsyna, e-mail:
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Background. Existence of systematic health differences
between people with different socio-economic status has been confirmed
by many studies. At the same time, social relations have been found to
be an important determinant of health. Some scholars consider social
relations as mediator between socioeconomic status and health. However,
studies on this subject are scattered and inconsistent. At the same
time, it remains unclear how social relations are distributed according
to socio-economic status. The study, the results of which are presented
in this work, is an attempt to examine relationship between
socio-economic status, social relations and health.
Purpose. The purposes of the study are: 1) to explore
relationship between socio-economic status and social relations; 2) to
confirm association between social relations and health; 3) to reveal
whether social relations mediate association between socio-economic
status and health.
Methods. The study is based on data of the European
Social Survey, Round 5. Statistical analysis was performed using
logistic regression models. Three indicators were selected to measure
social relations: presence of a family partner, confidentiality
availability (presence of someone with whom it is possible to discuss
intimate and personal matters) and social participation (communication
with people for enjoyment rather than for reasons of work or duty).
Socioeconomic status was assessed by the level of education, employment
and financial situation. Self-rated health on a one-five scale was used
as health (illness) indicator.
Results. It was found out that socio-economically
disadvantaged persons are at greater risk of social isolation, which, in
turn, has negative effect on health. Social relations explain up to 21%
of the socio-economic inequalities in self-rated health of the Russian
Conclusions. The received results show the need to
promote social support and social integration especially among people
with low socio-economic status, which can contribute to reduce health
Keywords: health inequality; self-rated health; social relations; socio-economic status.
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