Oliynyk P.V.
Lviv Danylo Galitsky National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine
Contacts: Petr V. Olinik,
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Abstract. The article discusses ways to improve methods of
storage and transportation of pharmaceuticals and medical devices in
emergency situations of natural, technological and socio-political
The study purpose is to develop guidelines to improve methods
of transportation and storage of pharmaceuticals and medical devices in
emergencies in time of peace and war.
Methods. The study used methods of observation, synthesis and
formalization of descriptive modeling, content analysis of legal acts
and documents related to rules of transportation and storage of
Results. Analysis of domestic and international experience in
emergency management showed that transportation and storage of
pharmaceuticals and medical devices in emergencies is fraught with the
risk of composition and physics changes. To ensure quality of
pharmaceuticals and medical devices during transportation and storage it
is necessary to introduce regulations stipulating requirements for
packaging and rules of storage, transportation and maintenance of
radiometric, chemical and biological control in cases when
transportation or storage is implemented in areas contaminated by
radioactive, chemical and bacterial agents.
Conclusions. The author developed main directions for
improving methods of storage and transportation of pharmaceuticals and
medical devices in emergencies in time of peace and war. The author also
suggested ways to improve packaging and packing that are basic elements
of protecting pharmaceuticals and medical devices from environmental
Scope of application. Population pharmaceutical supply in emergency situations.
Keywords: emergency situation; pharmaceuticals; medical devices; transportation; storage; packaging.
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