Starodubov V.I.1, Rudnev S.G.2,1, Nikolaev D.V.3,1, Korostylev K.A.3,1
1Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
3Scientific Research Centre ‘Medass’, Moscow
Contacts: Sergey G. Rudnev,
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Background. Currently, the Federal Information Resource
of Health Centres is the only source of mass in-depth data of
preventive screening in Russia.
The study purpose was to characterize current state of
the Resource and to address the organizational and methodological
problems in the data collection system and develop possible ways for
Material and methods. The Federal Information Resource
of Health Centres database as of July, 2014, was combined with the
submitted data according to the letter from the Ministry of Health of
the Russian Federation ¹24-4/10/2-8914 as of November 26, 2014. Age,
gender and geographic distributions of the total number of Health
Centres’ visitors were estimated. Total data in the database was
compared with the official statistics of Health Centres’ attendance, and
the causes of the observed differences were analyzed.
Results. As of May 2015, the Federal Information
Resource of Health Centres database contained raw data of measurements
of 3.72 million people (2.6% of the Russian population). The number of
registered visits in the database was 4.78 million (or about 25% of the
total number of visits to Health Centres, according to the official
data). In the age structure of visitors, children and adolescents of
school age, and also women aged from 50 to 65 years, prevailed.
Adult, especially male, population of working age was under-represented.
In 27 Federal Subjects of the Russian Federation, the number of
visits exceeded 3% of the regional population. Data from 31 Federal
Subjects were not presented in the database.
The authors identified the following reasons of non-provision of
complete data to the database (in descending order of importance):
In violation of the letter of the Health Ministry ¹29-5/10/2-4339 as of
May 3, 2011, the Regional Information Resource of Health Centres was
neither created nor functioning in the Federal Subject of the Russian
The Health Centre did not use the functional component ‘Health Centre’.
Instead, another software was utilized not ensuring interaction with the
Federal database;
The Health Centre used an equipment not compatible with the ‘Health Centre’ functional component;
Loss of data due to a PC damage or computer virus attack;
The ‘Health Centre’ functional component needs improvement with due
regard to regional peculiarity of the Health Centres’ financing;
Health care facility where the Centre is based lacks IT staff to install
the functional component ‘Health Centre’ software program;
The Health Centre lacks access to the Internet.
Discussion. At present, the Form 68 of the Sectoral
Statistical Observation ‘Information on the Health Centres function’ is
generated by the Russian Federal Subjects on the basis of monthly
reports from Health Centres, and not allow for direct validity check. At
the same time, the Health Centres activities are reimbursed on the
basis of planned attendance. In case of insufficient attendance or
inadequate plan, this can result in attempts to over-report the
attendance leading to decreased data quality. According to our
preliminary estimates, the proportion of incorrect data in the Federal
Information Resource of Health Centres database, including fake data,
averaged 30% and varied greatly depending on the region, the Health
Centre, and the year of examination. Therefore, any objective
epidemiological research on the basis of the Health Centres data should
be accompanied by a critical analysis of the entire array of raw data,
formation of the selection criteria, search and deletion of data
Conclusions. 1) It is necessary to change the way the Form 68
of the Sectoral Statistical Observation ‘Information on the Health
Centres function’ is generated: it should be generated at the federal
rather than regional level, based on processing and analysis of data of
the Federal Information Resource of Health Centres.
2) The priority measures aimed to address the identified problems in the data collection system should include the following:
To resume state support of the Federal Information Resource of Health Centres;
To set up/resume activities of the Regional Information Resource of
Health Centres in those Federal Subjects of the Russian Federation where
it was not functioning;
To ensure a large-scale implementation of the functional component ‘Health Centre’;
The revise the functional component ‘Health Centre’ with due regard to
the regional peculiarity of the Health Centres financing;
To urgently equip Health Centres with devices compatible with the functional component ‘Health Centre’;
To integrate the already installed equipment with the functional component ‘Health Centre’.
3) Due to low attendance of Health Centres by the working population
it is advisable to include Health Centres in the program of the 1st
stage of the Russian adult population prophylactic medical examination.
4) It is advisable to incorporate the Federal Information Resource of
Health Centres into the structure of the Russian Unified State Health
Information System.
Keywords: Health Centres; software package ‘Health Centre’;
Federal Information Resource of Health Centres; automated data
collection; preventive screening.
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