Semyonova V.G.1, Denisenko A.N.2
1 Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Nizhny Novgorod City Hospital #35, Nizhny Novgorod
Contacts: Viktoria Semyonova, e-mail:
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Abstract. The study relevance is substantiated by the growing
weight of cancer due to the increased share of the elderly in Russia,
and, on the other hand, the need to evaluate effectiveness of measures
aimed at reducing cancer mortality.
The study purpose is to evaluate implementation of the
Program on improving cancer care to population that was initiated in
2009 as part of the National Health Project in terms of both neoplasms
as a whole and certain cancers.
To estimate the Program’s effectiveness the authors compared
situation in the pilot regions that started to implement the Program in
2009-2010 and non-pilot Russian regions during the Program
implementation and previous period. For this purpose we calculated
standardized death rates for aggregated population of the 25 pilot and
non-pilot regions in 2000-2013.
The situation assessment was conducted individually for working population (20-64 years) and the elderly (over 65 years).
The conducted analysis showed that there were no principal
differences in the situation development both in pilot and non-pilot
regions: dynamics and structure of cancer mortality in those regions
were similar in working population and in the elderly.
The Program was most effective for the elderly women: during the
Program implementation the situation in pilot regions was better both in
comparison with the previous period and with non-pilot regions. This
situation was determined by all leading pathologies.
The Program was least effective in the working males; the annual
reduction rates of mortality in pilot regions during the Program
implementation were, first, lower compared to the previous period and,
second, lower compared to the non-pilot regions. This situation was
determined by all leading pathologies excluding urogenital cancer.
Keywords: Program on improving cancer care to population; pilot and non-pilot regions; leading causes of death from malignant neoplasm.
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