Stepanyan A.Zh.
Institute of Postgraduate Professional Training under A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow
Contacts: Alexan Stepanyan, e-mail:
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Abstract. Significance.
Various factors of social and economic development of the modern
Russia and some neighboring countries in the last decade of the XX
century have led to certain social conflicts, where significant numbers
of people in different regions are being exposed to extreme stress.
First of all, it refers to the Russian-speaking population who used to
reside in areas of local military conflicts in the Caucasus.
Of course, getting a Russian refugee status reduces the intensity of
exposure to stress for those people, but not totally excluding their
negative impact, because refugees face complicated issues of getting a
permanent employment and settling down.
The purpose of the work was to evaluate efficacy of
medical and psychological and preventive measures implemented at health
resorts for people exposed to extreme stress.
Results. The number of patients under observation
totaled to 920. The study focused on such mechanisms of psychological
defense as intellectualization, anticipation, activity and participation
to develop techniques of psychological adaptation to the adverse
psychosocial factors for people exposed to extreme stress.
All of the above mechanisms of psychological defense helped to develop improving perceptions in migrants under study.
In particular, intellectualization implied that the patient developed
an ability to cope with emotional conflicts and internal or external
stressors through encouraged abstract thinking and generalizations to
control anxiety.
The study used a number of indicators to assess efficacy of
psychotherapy and other therapeutic measures aimed at developing a
stereotype pattern of a strong negative personal attitude towards
socially induced bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction, substance
Conclusion. Implementation of the suggested by the
study modern psychotherapy and other therapeutic measures at the
outpatient level of care delivery to people exposed to extreme stress
caused by social or technological disasters, helped to break addiction
to socially induced bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction, substance
abuse) in 174 patients, accounting for 28.0% of the total number of
Keywords: efficiency of measures; migrants; adverse factors; extreme stressful conditions; health resort, psychoprophylaxis.
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