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Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Tsyganova O. A., Shulgina S. V.
Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk

Contacts: Svetlana V. Shulgina, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Public opinion survey in healthcare helps to comprehensively explore problems related to public interaction with elements of the system. The purpose of the work was to analyze public opinion regarding performance of the regional healthcare system.

The opinion poll was conducted in the Arkhangelsk region. 1416 people agreed to participate in the survey. The questionnaire was based on the WHO World Health Survey questionnaire. The work included general evaluation of the healthcare system and non-medical needs of the public in terms of outpatient care.

To evaluate the general state of the system the authors used the following measures: «professional skills of the doctor as a specialist»; «level of medical equipment of the polyclinic»; «range of services delivered by the polyclinic», «level of satisfaction by medical services». To evaluate non-medical needs of the public the authors reviewed the following criteria: «dignity», «confidentiality», «choice of supplier», «interpersonal skills of the doctor», «proper conditions», «patient’s engagement into treatment» and «transport availability».

The results showed that people did not think much of the general state of the healthcare system. Critical attitude towards medical services was most prevalent in the middle age groups. The share of negative appraisals of the system increases along with the level of patients’ education, their employment, frequency of encounters with the healthcare system. Analysis of the non-medical needs of the population showed that such criteria as «patient’s engagement into treatment», «interpersonal skills of the doctor», and «confidentiality» received the minimum number of positive appraisals.

To increase social efficiency the healthcare system in the Arkhangelsk region should become more client (patient) oriented. Public opinion survey will help to define priorities for improving performance of the healthcare system.

Key words: healthcare system performance; public opinion; non-medical needs of population; healthcare system’s response; healthcare system general state


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