Grechukhin I.V.1 , Andreev M.K.1 , Akishkin V.G.2
1Astrakhan State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Astrakhan
2Alexandro – Mariinskaya Regional Clinical Hospital, Astrakhan
Contacts: Igor Grechuhin,
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Abstract. Significance. Traumatic
injuries that are characterized by high incidence, disability and
mortality constitute one of the priorities in population health. The
current system of injury registration requires improving on the basis
modern information technologies.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate and introduce an electronic personified registration system of injury and mortality from external causes.
Materials and methods. Injury incidence and prevalence
were analyzed based on 2005-2013 statistics published by the Federal
Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics. Dynamics of
the outpatient trauma care uptake for 998-2013 were studied. Mortality
from external causes was analyzed on the basis of data published by the
Federal State Statistics Service and reporting forms provided by the
Astrakhan Oblast Bureau for Forensic Medical Investigation. Rates of
increase (decrease) in intensive indicators were determined (as %).
Results. The study identified certain defects in
the system of injury registration in the Astrakhan Region that are
manifested in large variation in injury incidence and prevalence and
unchanged rates for the last three years.
Instability of indicators of outpatient trauma care uptake was
identified. According to data by the Bureau for Forensic Medical
Investigation mortality from trauma and poisoning turned out to be
higher compared to the official statistics. At the Regional Information
Resource of the Regional Healthcare an electronic register of trauma
patients was developed. Electronic database for personified registration
of deaths from external causes was developed and introduced. This makes
it possible to obtain higher quality objective statistics on injuries
and its analysis in the Region.
Keywords: traumatic injuries, injury incidence, mortality, analysis, improvement, electronic personified registration.
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