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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2015 (46) arrow DEVELOPING A PROSPECTIVE REGISTER OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES
Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Lebedev G.S., Shahova M.A., Kholin A.M., Malyarenko O.L.
V.I. Kulakov’s Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Moscow

Contacts: Lebedev Georgiy, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. The article dwells upon requirements for prospective register of assisted reproductive technologies. Its implementation is to be based upon a specialized data warehouse - an electronic passport of women's reproductive health, which allows to store dynamic information about health status of all women in need of such technologies. This register will serve as a basis for analyzing effectiveness of the assisted reproductive technologies and supporting medical decision making.

Unlike electronic health record, the electronic passport of women's reproductive health can make the electronic health records’ data "active", i.e. to carry out an automatic selection of several medical decisions based on the generated knowledge base. This knowledge base will be maintained according to improvements in heuristic ideas; recommendations about possible use of the assisted reproductive technologies can be made automatically.

The developed mathematical methods and software will be utilized by all specialized medical centers to improve application of the assisted reproductive technologies by means of preliminary and subsequent risk calculations and treatment plans’ adjustment, and use of drugs with proven effectiveness.

Results of the study will be useful for patients to select the most effective medical center with best results in applying the assisted reproductive technologies.

Therefore, it is extremely important to develop an information system to keep the prospective register of assisted reproductive technologies, consisting of mathematical models and algorithms to evaluate effectiveness of their implementation.

Keywords. Health informatics; medical information systems; electronic health record; reproductive health passport; assisted reproductive technologies.


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