V.I. Seryogin1, G.Ì.Sakharova 2, N.S.Antonov 3,Î.V. Medvedeva 4,V.V. Donitova2
1. Ryazan Regional Centre for Disease Prevention, Ryazan
2. Pulmonology Research Institute of the Federal Bio-Medical Agency, Russia, Moscow
3. Institute of Advanced Training of the Federal Bio-Medical Agency, Russia
4. I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University, Russia
Contacts: Vladimir Seryogin, e-mail:
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Abstract. Delivery of medical services to support tobacco
smoking cessation among doctors and nurses at state health care
facilities is characterized by certain peculiar features, the major one
including skeptical attitude and disbelief in skills and capabilities of
colleagues to provide effective assistance. At the same time health
care professionals clearly realize that such behavior cannot be
considered as a model to follow by their patients. It is common
knowledge that physicians can best persuade patients to quit if they do
not smoke themselves. However, health care professionals do not always
set a good example for patients concerning their smoking habits.
The purpose of this study is to provide scientific rationale for developing a regional program on tobacco control among health care professionals.
Within the framework of the study an anonymous survey of physicians
and nurses was conducted in 20 state health care facilities in the city
of Ryazan and the Ryazan region. Smoking prevalence among health care
professionals, their knowledge about smoking hazards and medical
services to support tobacco cessation have been studied.
The study revealed the following major problems and peculiar
features: smoking prevalence among physicians and nurses remains high,
knowledge among health professionals about smoking hazards and services
to support tobacco cessation are not sufficient. The study also
identified a need for a regional program to develop a sustainable
infrastructure to encourage efforts to quit smoking and ensure a wide
access to services aimed at supporting tobacco users to quit and serve
as a sustainable source for tobacco control services in line with the
Article 14 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
Keywords. Tobacco smoking; smoking prevalence; health care professionals; questionnaire survey.
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