Kurdyaev S.M.
P.A. Gertsen Federal Medical Research Center, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Contacts: Sergey Kurdyaev,
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Abstract. Significance. State policy in medical
care for the elderly is currently aimed at care quality assurance,
development of the system of quality management and control over volumes
of diagnostic and treatment services, further development of regular
health examinations, prevention and rehabilitation, timely counseling of
inpatient patients, and continuity of care delivery at the inpatient
and outpatient levels.
At the same time, the current stage of the Russian healthcare
development is characterized by active introduction of market relations
and medical insurance associated with general social and economic
changes in the society. Such transformations require proper mechanisms
to organize and evaluate performance of the healthcare system as one of
the leading socially important branches of economics.
The study purpose. To evaluate modern perceptions of life quality of the elderly and the old from the public health perspective.
Results. The author conducted a retrospective analysis
of perceptions of life quality of the elderly. The analysis showed that
economic changes in Russia during the last decade had a significant
impact on the level of state support for social services and healthcare
Struggling with the economic crisis the government is taking all
possible efforts to keep stable the system of medical and social care
delivery to the elderly and the old. However, provision of social
guarantees in previous amounts is not possible. Therefore, development
and proper utilization of all components of the national healthcare
system, both state and private health care facilities, can meet the
public demand for quality geriatric care.
Conclusions. Thus, trends in public health, healthcare
organization, level of scientific analysis of its organizational aspects
conditioned implementation of this analysis of medical and
organizational aspects of care delivery to the elderly and old patient
at health care facilities as a unified complex of quality geriatric
Keywords. healthcare; quality of life; old and senile age; current aspects.
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