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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2016 (47) arrow NEW TIME STANDARDS FOR OUTPATIENT ENDOCRINOLOGIST’S VISITS
Tuesday, 15 March 2016

E.B. Tsybikova

Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Contacts: Erzheny Tsybikova, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Background. For the past three decades protocols regulating time standards of outpatient endocrinologist’s visits have remained unrevised.

To implement the Presidential Decree #597 “On implementing the state social policy” as of May, 7th 2012, “Changes in social services aimed at improving performance in healthcare” roadmap was developed to update performance standards in healthcare. The roadmap was adopted by the Decree #2599-r of the Government of the Russian Federation as of December, 28th , 2012.

Study purpose: to analyze results of the time and motion study of endocrinologist’s work at the outpatient basis.

Methods and data. To conduct this time and motion study we selected 18 regions of the Russian Federation from eight Federal districts. Time and motion studies of work of two endocrinologists were conducted simultaneously for two weeks i.e. 10 working days in each 18 regions of the Russian Federation according to the standard methodology.

For data processing we used a special program developed for calculating time standards and workload of health specialists. This program received the State Registration Certificate for computer programs #2015617022 as of 26.06.2015.

Results. Time spent by an endocrinologist per an outpatient visit increased by 6.7 minutes compared to the calculated standards and equaled to 21.6 minutes per a primary visit, and 16.7 minutes for a follow-up visit, i.e. 18.7 minutes in average. Within the time structure 48.7% are spent on core activity; 38% - on paperwork; and 13.3% - on other activities.

Computerization of the endocrinologist’s workplace in 16 regions of the Russian Federation allowed to reduce time per patient by 1.7 minutes compared to those regions with non-computerized workplaces.

Major savings in time are related to paperwork – 47.6% while only 23.5% are associated with the core activity.

A 6.7 minute increase in time spent by an endocrinologist per patient implies introduction of new job positions or changes in extent of performance indicators.

Keywords: performance standards; time and motion study; time standards; visit.


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