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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2016 (47) arrow ASSESSING EFFECTIVENESS OF CANCER CARE
Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Antipova T.V.1, Melnik M.V.2, Nechaeva O.B.3, Shikina I.B.3, Vechorko V.I.3, Lutseva E.M.4

1 Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov Perm State Agricultural Academy, Perm
2Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
3Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
4LTD "Zdorovie" Medical centre, Novomoskovsk, Tula region

Contacts: Irina Shikina, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


Relevance. Malignant new growths belong to socially significant diseases and involve essential material and non-material expenses, both healthcare institutions, and society in general. Incidence and an indicator of prevalence of malignant new growths of the population constantly grows in Russia since 1995. Mortality indicators from malignant new growths also don't tend to improvement.

Work purpose. Productivity of health care is included into a framework of the general concept on increase of productivity of the budgetary expenses. In article some indicators (indicators) of productivity of medical care for evaluation of the work of primary link of health care and oncological service in the Russian Federation are defined. Target indicators and indicators of implementation of the Federal target program "Prevention and Fight against Socially Significant Diseases (2007-2011)", the subprogramme "Oncology" are analyzed. The accepted indicators according to the subprogramme "Oncology" were unreasonably overestimated and therefore couldn't be executed.

The used methods and results. Indicators of quality of medical care for job evaluation at the level of primary link of health care and oncological service which show improvement of quality of carrying out routine inspections and improvement of diagnostics are developed. Nevertheless, they didn't reach satisfactory values.

The indicators characterizing early identification of malignant new growths didn't reach satisfactory values, including increase in a share of patients with the visual localizations of a tumor revealed at I and II stages of a disease; decrease in a share of the patients who died of malignant new growths within a year from the moment of establishment of the diagnosis.

The assessment of quality of medical care at oncological diseases has to be carried out by use (introduction) of system of indicators (indicators) registering dynamics of productivity of treatment of patients. Each indicator which is switched on in system has to represent a link of that chain of cause and effect dependences which connects strategy of concrete healthcare institution and strategy of the budgetary policy of society.

Conclusions of research are based on reporting data of oncological services of medical institutions of the Russian Federation. Results of monitoring should be considered when summing up implementation of the federal target program and development of other budgetary funds allocated for treatment of oncological patients.

Use of the developed indicators of quality of medical care for oncological service possibly as when developing federal and territorial target programs, and for their assessment.

Keywords: quality of medical care; malignant new growths; indicators of productivity of medical care.


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