DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-49-3-6
Finchenko E.A.1,2, Butsko E.V.3, Strygin A.V.1, Shalygina L.S.1,2
1 Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after Ja. L. Tsyv'jan, Russian Ministry of Health
2Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health,
3European Medical Center (ZAO European medical center)
Contacts: Eugeny F. Finchenko, e-mail:
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Background. For Russia, with its vast spaces,
telemedicine is a socially significant project, providing every citizen
with the opportunity to obtain quality counseling by best specialists.
The purpose of the study: scientific rationale for developing the system of distant X-ray diagnostics at the regional level.
Methods: expert and statistical methods. Organization
of X-ray diagnostic system was peer-reviewed by leading specialists in
diagnostic radiology of the Novosibirsk region in terms of developing
the regional system of distant X-ray diagnostics.
Results. Medical organizations are insufficiently
equipped with digital X-ray equipment, qualification of radiology
specialists is low, especially at municipal health care facilities. Main
problems that hinder development of the distant X-ray diagnostics are
not of financial, but rather of organizational nature. Key problems
include the following: lack of the X-ray diagnostics development
strategy at the regional level and discrepancy between class of the
equipment and level and type of the health care facility.
Organizational directions for developing a regional distant X-ray
diagnostic system include: to optimize equipment for digital X-ray
diagnostics according to the level and type of health care facilities;
to improve skills of care providers, particularly at municipal
(district) health care facilities; to enhance utilization of the
existing equipment for X-ray diagnostics, equipment of expert class
mainly; to optimize network of the digital equipment for X-ray
diagnostics at health care facilities; and to set up regional counseling
and diagnostic centers.
Conclusions: Provision of health care facilities
with digital X-ray equipment is insufficient, and qualification of the
X-ray specialists is low. The main problems that hinder development of
distant X-ray diagnostics at the regional level are of organizational
nature mainly including: lack of the X-ray diagnostics development
strategy at the regional level and discrepancy between class of the
equipment and level and type of the health care facility.
Keywords: distant X-ray diagnostics; telemedicine; Novosibirsk region.
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