DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-49-3-9
Miroshnikova Yu.V.
Institution of Advanced Training under the Federal Biomedical Agency, Moscow
Contacts: Yuliya V. Miroshnikova, e-mail:
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Significance. Quality of structure and overall
performance of managerial staff in the healthcare system is
substantially defined by condition of the sectoral management system
which develops the type of manager that most corresponds to its
organization. Within the context of intensive transformations in
healthcare requirements to qualification of the managerial staff, their
personal composition and level of training in management significantly
Purpose: To develop priority directions in
training chief physicians of medical organizations. To create a
manager’s training model to meet requirements related to necessary
competency, knowledge and skills.
Methods. Analytical, sociological, mathematical statistics, methods of expert review.
Results. Development of the educational process
within the system of additional training of managers with transition to
individual plans, extensive use of self-education, and modular systems
of training require managers’ training to meet requirements for certain
position in a particular facility (position model). Lack of clearly
defined skills that a manager needs to implement the assigned duties
gives this approach a special importance against the background of a
wide variety of suggested characteristics reflecting authors’
perceptions rather than actual work environment.
Conclusion. The article attempts to create a
manager’s training model to meet requirements related to competency,
knowledge and skills for a particular position.
Keywords: training model; competence-based approach; knowledge and skills needed by chief physicians.
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