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Tuesday, 26 July 2016

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-50-4-4

Karaylanov M.G.1, Rusev I.T.1, Fedotkina S.A.1,2, Prokin I.G.1
1Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, Saint-Petersburg
2Saint-Petersburg State University

Contacts: Mikhail G. Karaylanov, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Currently, optimization of budgetary funding of health care facilities at different levels is one of the priorities of the healthcare system. Therefore, looking for new cost effective models for high quality outpatient care delivery like hospital-replacing technologies becomes of great relevance.

The purpose of the review was to conduct a comparative analysis of various hospital-replacing forms of care delivery according to the criteria of medical, social and economic performance on the basis of the literature data. In recent years, various hospital-replacing forms of care delivery have been developed tailored for specific categories of patients requiring preventive, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation activities. Cost-effectiveness of hospital-replacing forms of care delivery involves a significantly lower cost of services in day hospital, as well as a shorter average length of treatment in comparison with a day and night facility.

Social efficiency is determined by the fact that treatment in a day hospital has a significant “deontological” advantage, i.e. most of the time the patient is at home, in a familiar comfortable environment, surrounded by the family and friends which increases satisfaction with health care. Medical effectiveness of hospital-replacing forms of care delivery is determined by continuity of inpatient and outpatient care, ensuring continuity of the entire treatment process. Aspects of effectiveness depend upon a particular hospital-replacing form of care delivery.

Key words: primary health care, hospital-replacing technology, day hospital, effectiveness.


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