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Tuesday, 26 July 2016

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-50-4-6

Artyuhov I.P., Shulmin A.V., Lisovskaya E.D., Timoshenko V.O., Dobretsova E.A.
Krasnoyarsk State Medical University after Prof. V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky of Ministry of health of the Russian Federation

Contacts: Ekaterina Lisovskaya This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Topicality. On the bases of the data presented in the native and foreign literature, we’ve defined that the issue of studying contemporary preferences and difficulties that patients encountered when choosing a dental organization is important.

Objective: To determine the factors influencing the patients’ preferences and difficulties in the choice of the attending physician and dental organizations in Krasnoyarsk.

Research problems: 1. To identify the main preferences arising when patients choose dental organization and attending physician. 2. To identify the main difficulties arising when patients choose dental organization and attending physician.

Materials and Methods: The study of dental patients’ opinion was conducted by means of sociological research in the form of survey in the city of Krasnoyarsk (open and closed questions were presented in the questionnaire). 508 people were interviewed in the city of Krasnoyarsk by the method of random sampling without repetitions (sample meets the requirements adopted by the quantitative and qualitative representation).

Results: Important patients’ preferences when choosing dental organizations and the physician include: the ability to use remote recording methods to the dentist (recording over the phone, via the internet services began to use more than 55% of respondents.

Among the main difficulties in choosing dental organizations and the physician the following problems should be noted: the lack of personal funds in 26.0% of cases; long queues – 18.3%.

The most important for the patients have appeared such criteria as sterility and painlessness of the procedures, aesthetic results of the treatment, complications and defects treatment under warranty.

The results let get an idea about the patients’ preferences of dental care and the difficulties patients encountered in the process of this choice.

Key words. Patients' choice; dental service; patients' preferences; medical organization; dentistry; health care organization.


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