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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2016 (51) arrow MOBILE MEDICAL UNIT IN THE SYSTEM OF EYE CARE
Tuesday, 01 November 2016

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-51-4-10

Tereshchenko A.V., Trifanenkova I. G., Romanenko S.Ya., Popov S.N., Ivanov A.M., Vlasov M.V.
Inter-branch Scientific and Technical Complex «Eye Microsurgery» named after academician S. N. Fedorov, Kaluga branch, Ministry of Health of Russia

Contacts: Irina G. Trifanenkova, å-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


The purpose of this study is to evaluate experience of the mobile diagnostic medical unit (MMU) of the Inter-branch Scientific and Technical Complex (ISTC) «Eye Microsurgery», Kaluga branch, in the context of interregional system of eye care.

Material and methods. In 2015, the Ministry of Health of the Kaluga region provided the Kaluga branch of «Eye Microsurgery» ISTC with a mobile medical unit based on the Volvo car frame for implementing consultative and diagnostic activities in the Kaluga region and adjacent regions. For these purposes, the MMU was equipped with the necessary ophthalmic diagnostic equipment.

Consultative and diagnostic services provided to patients by specialists of the ISTC "Eye microsurgery", Kaluga branch via the MMU is funded by the regional and interregional compulsory health insurance funds (CHIF).

MMU visits to the regions are scheduled. Medical appointments are made through polyclinic reception desks in those settlements where appointments will be carried out.

If patients apply for care directly to the MMU, a receptionist develops an electronic patient record in the computer database. Then the optometrist performs the following diagnostic tests: autoceratorefractometry, visometry, noncontact tonometry. Then results of those tests are entered in the electronic record and the patient goes to the eye doctor. Based on diagnostic tests and examination the doctor makes a diagnosis and decides on further management of the patient and his or her treatment.

If the patient needs a surgical treatment or in-depth diagnostics in the ISTC "Eye microsurgery", Kaluga branch, the patient is given an appointment slip automatically generated and printed out from the electronic record. Data on tests and examinations conducted at the MMU, entered into the database of the branch, significantly reduces time for diagnostic testing and primary examination of the patient upon his or her arrival to the ISTC "Eye microsurgery", Kaluga branch.

Results. From September 2015 to September 2016, the MMU of the ISTC "Eye microsurgery", Kaluga branch, received 9044 patients from 44 districts of the Kaluga and Smolensk regions. 2951 patients (32.6 %) out of them were referred for diagnostics and treatment to the ISTC "Eye microsurgery", Kaluga branch. 1619 surgeries for different eye pathologies (18% of patients primarily examined by the MMU specialists) were performed on patients arrived to the Kaluga branch.

Conclusion. Active use of the MMU helps to expand access to quality eye care for patients and reduce the number of stages of care delivery from their initial application to the specialist and receiving a high-tech treatment.

Keywords: mobile diagnostic (medical) unit; interregional system of eye care.


  1. Kamaev I.A., Orlov O.I., Ivanov V.I., Perevedentsev O.V., Sergeev D.V. Opportunities and prospects of mobile telemedicine complexes in the prevention programs. Meditsinskiy almanakh 2013; 2 (26): 16-18. (In Russian).
  2. Therapeutic and diagnostic medical complexes. [Online]. [cited 2016 Aug. 15]. Available from: http://www.intermedservice.ru/kompleksnyye-meditsinskiye-programmy/mobilnye-meditsinskie-kompleksy/prezentaciya.pdf (In Russian).
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1. 21-11-2016 00:33
 ñòàòüå óêàçûâàåòñÿ, ÷òî â äåíü ÏÌÊ ìîæåò ïðèíÿòü äî 90 ÷åëîâåê. Ìîæíî óçíàòü, êàêîå âðåìÿ òðàòèòñÿ âðà÷îì íà 1 ïàöèåíòà? Êàêîâà ñòîèìîñòü îäíîãî òàêîãî îñìîòðà äëÿ ãîñóäàðñòâà? Ñïàñèáî!
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