DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-52-6-1
Chechenin G.I1., Zhilina N.M1., Dureev V.N2., Kripalskiy L.N2.
1Novokuznetsk State Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Novokuznetsk
2Novokuznetsk Post-mortem Anatomy Bureau, Novokuznetsk
Contacts: Natalia Zhilina,
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Abstract. Problems related to adequate decision making for public health improvement substantiate significance of the study.
Problems mainly include the following ones: incomplete knowledge of
the situation with public health; low validity of basic data and
information for prediction and effective decision making to reduce
preventable health loss in the population; insufficient use of available
information from registers and databases for making tactical and
strategic decisions.
The study purpose – is to analyze existing information
on disease prevalence and crude mortality (exemplified by Novokuznetsk
city); to evaluate validity of medical statistics and develop
recommendations to improve data validity.
The following methods were used: system analysis; expert review; empirical, clinical; morphological and statistical methods.
Results of the analysis of computer databases on
disease prevalence and crude mortality of the Novokuznetsk population in
1980-2012 allowed to identify crucial issue with medical statistics
validity affecting healthcare quality and performance.
Principal measures to increase validity of clinical and post-mortem
diagnosis for patients’ standard electronic medical records include the
following: a) to develop and implement a unified organizational and
functional model of pathology service at the level of the big industrial
city; b) to develop methodological guidelines on completing medical
documents; c) to set up and put into operation an automated workplace of
post-morbid anatomist (“Lethality”), allowing to create an electronic
form of the death certificate ensuring complete filling in of all items
in the document.
The study results can be used to identify priority issues and develop
priority directions for reducing preventable health loss at the federal
and regional levels.
Keywords: diagnosis; validity; verification; system; crude mortality; disease prevalence; measures; computer databases.
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