DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-52-6-6
Lugovkina T.K., Skornyakov S.N., Egorov E.A., Medvinskiy I.D.
Ural Institute for Phthisiopulmonology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg
Contacts: Lugovkina Tatiana. E-mail:
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Abstract. Significance of quality improvement of health care
substantiates the need for developing electronic databases and software
to support decision making in selection of interventions by
doctors and to monitor the quality of clinical practice results.
The purpose of the work was to apply system approach to
structure information about personal clinical diagnosis and concordant medical interventions in treatment of TB patients
at the level of specialized and high-tech care delivery
Material and methods. Materials included modern
classifications of pulmonary tuberculosis, standards of medical care in
phthisiopulmonology, Federal clinical recommendations for diagnosis and
treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, scientific literature and patients’
charts. The system approach methodology to structure information and
principle of discreteness of information vectors of clinical diagnosis
characteristics have been used.
Results. The study shows that basic characteristics of
clinical diagnosis (stage, phase, severity, additional factors of causes
and conditions affecting prognosis of clinical developments and choice of medical interventions, severity degree of
clinical situation) still lack common definitions. Structure for basic
characteristics of clinical diagnosis was presented and definitions were
formulated. Each characteristic was represented by a discrete
information vector making it possible to use digital codes to store
personalized clinical diagnosis in electronic databases.
Conclusion. The system approach methodology for
structuring information space of clinical situations and implementation of discrete information vector characteristics of clinical diagnosis help to realize the
enormous potential of information technologies to monitor quality of
clinical decisions and enrich evidence-based data in
Key words: quality clinical practice; information structure; phthisiopulmonology.
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