DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-52-6-8
Zelinskaya D.I.1, Terletskaya R.N.2, Rozhkovskaya S.A.1
1 Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional
Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow,
2 Scientific Center of Children`s Health of the Ministry of Health, of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Contacts: Dina I. Zelinsky,
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Abstract. Introduction. Demographic
situation in Russia, problems of population reproduction cause call for a
special attention to position of children in large families.
Purpose: to analyze literature on social and medical aspects of health of children brought up in large families.
Methodology. Search for literature sources was conducted in
Scientific Online Library (eLIBRARY.RU according to criteria selected by
Results. Authors note existing need for special
society and government attention to current status of families with
children. Such families are distinguished from other family categories
by all socio-economic indicators and characterized by maximum risk of
health disorders among children and poverty rates. The share of the
families having three or more children among economically disadvantaged
households with children increased during past decade. Authors note
negligible number of studies devoted to health status, organization of
medical care and case management to children from large families.
Psychological and pedagogical aspects of this problem were the most well
studied. Literature data evidence that children of different age groups
from large families significantly retard by all quantitative and
qualitative indexes of physical development, are characterized by lower
health status and higher disability prevalence. Widely discussed issues
of legislative and practical provision of rights and interests of
members of large families are regarded as insufficiently effective
Conclusion. Authors prove the necessity to
develop a system of medico-social case management to children brought up
in large families as a real opportunity in current conditions to
influence health formation and its level for this category of the
children population of Russia.
Keywords: demographic policy; large family; children health; medico-social care.
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