DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-53-1-8
Kakorina E.P.1, Alexandrova G.A.1, Polikarpov A.V.2, Ogryzko E.V.2, Golubeva T.Yu.2
1Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
2Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Contacts: Tatiana Golubeva, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Kakorina E.P.,
Alexandrova G.A.,
Polikarpov A.V.,
Ogryzko E.V.,
Golubeva T.Yu.,
Acknowledgments.The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Abstract: Child disability is a great social challenge. Lack
of information about peculiar features of child disability in rural and
urban areas often acts as a break on state programs on rehabilitation of
children with disabilities.
Purpose: to provide a comparative analysis of incidence
rates of disability in children residing in urban and rural areas of
the Russian Federation in 2002-2015.
Materials and methods. Data on newly declared disabled
children under 18 years residing in urban and rural areas according to
the form of the federal statistical observation ¹7D (social security)
"Information about medical and social assessment of children under 18
years" in 2002-2015 were analyzed.
Results. In 2015 disability incidence in the Russian
Federation among children residing in rural areas added up to 25.6 per
10,000; among children residing in urban areas - 24.2 per 10,000, i.e.
disability in rural areas is higher by 5.8%. The authors have detected a
trend towards reduction in incidence rates of disability in 2002-2015:
by 31% in rural areas and by 12.9% in urban areas. The leading share in
the structure of causes is accounted for by mental and behavioral
disorders (rural - 27.6%, urban - 23.4%), diseases of the nervous system
(rural - 15.6%, urban - 18.7%) rank second. Third place in the
structure belongs to congenital anomalies (malformations), deformations
and chromosomal abnormalities (rural - 15.6%, urban - 18.7%). It should
be noted here that in rural areas children with disabilities have higher
incidence rates due to mental retardation (rural - 4.3 per 10,000,
urban - 2.3 per 10,000), inflammatory diseases of the central nervous
system (rural - 0.3 by 10,000, urban - 0.08 per 10,000).
Conclusions: The obtained data are not sufficient to
conduct a comprehensive analysis of child disability, data on the
leading functional limitation are necessary in addition to morbidity and
disorders data. For a comprehensive analysis of disability in children
residing in urban and rural areas it is necessary to add information
about leading functional limitations, data on re-distribution of the
declared disabled children residing in rural areas, by disease classes
and individual nosology to the reporting form of the federal statistical
observation ¹7D (social security) "Information about medical and social
assessment of children under 18 years".
Keywords: children with disabilities; urban and rural areas; annual reporting form ¹7D (social security).
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