DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-54-2-4
Vechorko V.I.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Public Health of Russian Federation, Moscow
Contacts: Valery I. Vechorko, e-mail:
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Information about author:
Vechorko V.I.
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Abstract. Significance. Healthcare in Moscow
currently experiences dynamic changes aimed at revising managerial staff
strategies to ensure high performance indicators, quality improvement
of care delivery, optimum distribution of available human resources and
optimization of personnel workload. The main instrument for solution is
substantiation of worktime standards of doctors and nurses, expedient
staff appointment and management.
The work purpose: to study allocation of workload of nurses working with primary care physician in a Moscow city polyclinic.
Methods: photo-stopwatch observation, methods of descriptive statistics. Special software was applied for data processing.
Study results. Medical nurses working with a primary
care physician spend 53.13% of their working time at the outpatient
reception for paperwork and 28.51% for main activities, including 69.72%
of time on reception activity; 13.30% - on fetching patients’ medical
records from the front desk; 12.27% - on arranging doctor’s working
Conclusion. The two-week photo-stopwatch observation
allowed to revise workload of district medical nurses in the Moscow city
policlinic #180, to identify existing resources to increase time for
working with the patient, to reduce time for paperwork, and to
standardize additional activities.
Scope of application. Applicable for calculating
workload standards, standards of staff size and other staffing standards
in health care facilities that provide primary care on the outpatient
basis within the framework of an individual health care facility.
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Keywords: photo-stopwatch observation; medical nurse; personnel management; primary care.
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