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Friday, 23 June 2017 | ||||||
DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-55-3-3
Kobyakova O.S., Deev I.A., Kulikov E.S., Khomyakov K.V., Pimenov I.D., Zagromova T.A., Balaganskaya M.A.
Contacts: Kirill V. Khomyakov, e-mail:
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Abstract Background: High prevalence of professional burnout among doctors and association of burnout with medical errors determine high importance of detecting and preventing burnout among health professionals. The purpose of this study is to study the degree, level and prevalence of professional burnout of physicians across the region. Methods: Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), the Russian-language adaptation by N.E. Vodopyanova and E.S. Starchenkova was used. The questionnaire was in electronic form and is available from http://www.golosaonline.ru/medto. Participation in the survey for all health professionals was anonymous and voluntary. The completed questionnaire was considered as signed informed consent to participate in the study and permission to process the submitted data, as was specifically noted in the first part of the questionnaire. In total, 1668 doctors participated in the study (in the city n = 1320, 79.1%, in the rural area n = 348, 20.9%). Statistical processing of the study results was implemented using Statistica for Windows version 10.0. Qualitative data are presented as absolute or relative (%) frequencies, quantitative in the form X ± x, where X is the arithmetic mean, x is the standard deviation. The null hypothesis (about absence of difference in values between groups) was rejected at p <0.05. When comparing the frequencies of qualitative characteristics, the χ2 criterion or the 2-sided Fisher test was used. When comparing the qualitative characteristics, a calculation of the odds ratio and relative risks was carried out. To estimate the difference in the means in pairwise unrelated samples, the Mann-Whitney U test was used. Results: Professional burnout is registered in 99% of the doctors in the Tomsk region, and every third specialist has an extremely high degree of professional burnout. Impaired relations with the patient are typical of doctors with signs of professional burnout in the terms of negative and cynical attitudes. Doctors of rural medical facilities of the Tomsk region are more likely to burnout professionally than those of the city medical organizations. Conclusion: The problem of professional burnout among doctors in the Russian Federation is of the pressing ones and characterized by a specific structure that differs from the burnout patterns in other countries. Keywords: professional burnout; emotional exhaustion; depersonalization; professional success; doctors. References
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